Take a trip down Memory Lane as you review the lyrics to your school songs..
Alma Mater
Hail to thee, O south Side High School,
Faithful may we be;
Our beloved Alma Mater,
We sing our praises to thee.
May we always well remember
All thy gifts to us so free;
And pay homage to thy memory,
Hail, South Side High School, to thee.
~Jack Wainwright, SSHS Music Director 1933-1943
Our school
To the school that has no equal,
To our dear old South Side High,
To whose teams there are no equal.
For you we'll gladly die.
Though the odds may be against you,
We'll still stand for your rights;
And in the end we'll greet you,
Our dear old green and white.
~Paul Hahn, Class of 1923